
Enablement & Operations

Sales operations is a tactical position that helps the sales organisation run smoothly and efficiently. Sales operations helps manage and report on the overall efforts. Sales enablement is an over-arching strategy that aims to improve both Sales and Marketing.

Management Types

6 Types Of Sales Managers Companies Should Stop Hiring

There are different types of sales managers you run into during your time in sales. You can learn something from most of them, but leadership being as tricky as it is, it’s often easier to point to how you get things wrong than it is to elucidate what makes one effective. These are the seven types of sales leaders you find on the sales floor, six of which you should avoid.
Hiring sign

7 Considerations For Sales Recruitment During COVID.

The ‘War For Talent’ is raging and we’re the combatants trying to defend our turf. Getting creative and human with your recruitment ad’ campaign is ‘mission-critical’ in 2020.

Talent Versus Skill. Time To Sharpen Your Skills?

Anyone with the desire to work on themselves and grow personally can learn. It really doesn’t matter where people start, as long as they view sales as a profession and invest the effort necessary to learn and perfect the skills.
ignite purpose

Igniting purpose across the sales team

A sales conference can’t change everything overnight but it can ignite opportunity, purpose and agency. It’s about engaging the very people who attend and making them the active participants and leaders of change.

Meet The ‘A Listers’​ Ruining Their Careers

Systems and processes, analytics, technology and automation are all key components of sales success, but behind all of those tools someone needs to drive them.
New Recruits

What Qualities Do Good Sales Recruits Have?

Determine what type of salesperson and/or approach you need first. The higher the complexity of what you are selling, the more skilful and knowledgeable your salespeople will need to be when it comes to customer engagement.

12 Reasons Why You Should Be Fired

If you’re a sales manager or CEO, send this to the entire sales team and put them on notice - stop screwing around with your success; be the professional you’re paid to be.

How [Not] To Run A Sales Meeting

Sales management is the weak link in the revenue chain. Sales meetings often reveal short-term or lazy mindsets and sadly waste the time of most of the participants.

Why You Should Fire Your Sales Manager Or Boss

The Sales Manager’s job is to provide an environment within which their sales people can succeed. Success is a partnership and all the elements need to be in place for a team to be effective. Synergy is amazingly powerful stuff when everything comes together.
Time Money

10,000 Hours Of Sales

Practice cannot be simply repetition or rehearsing with obvious errors. It needs to be deliberate, guided by a coach or mentor, corrected where necessary.