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Sales Psychology answers the question – What goes on inside people’s minds and how does it affect the sales process or the buying process? Perception, Attention, Language, Memory, Thinking, and Consciousness are covered in this section.

Elevator Pitch 2

5 Steps To Create An “Elevator Speech” That Attracts Prospects To You – Part...

Being able to describe your product or service offering in a manner that everyone understands is one of the most important marketing skills you need to master. Just think how you’ll feel the next time someone asks, “What do you do?”
Networking online

How Much Online Networking Is Too Much?

The Covid-19 pandemic has caused networking to move online. LinkedIn can be a tremendous force for good if you make the best use of your time on the platform.

An Expert Guide To Elevator Pitch Mastery – Part 1

To break through all the marketing clutter, it’s imperative to have an enticing elevator speech that helps you attract more of your ideal customers and gives you enhanced clarity about the work you do.
Communication Change

Why Asynchronous Communication Isn’t Effective Selling

Salespeople have been taught to rely on the asynchronous mediums—even when it harms their results. You should always prefer the medium that is best for the outcome you are trying to create.
12 Steps

Actions That Lead to Sales Success

Failure in sales is no joke and it's never been more important to set yourself up for the future. Here are 10 actions for sales success.
Night Fear

Sales Psychology – 10 Triggers To Become Highly Influential (Part 3)

Invoke Fear, Radiate Authority, Honesty and Consistency. You need to understand why your prospects behave the way they do, what they’re thinking, and how you can get them to act in the desired direction via the use of psychology sales triggers.

Sales Psychology – 10 Triggers To Become Highly Influential (Part 2)

Handle Objections, Credibility and Social Proof. You need to understand why your prospects behave the way they do, what they’re thinking, and how you can get them to act in the desired direction via the use of psychology sales triggers.
Trigger 2

Sales Psychology – 10 Triggers To Become Highly Influential (Part 1)

Reciprocity, Curiosity And Specificity. You need to understand why your prospects behave the way they do, what they’re thinking, and how you can get them to act in the desired direction via the use of psychology sales triggers.
Grant Cardone

Secrets To Minimise Burnout

Do something you love and you'll never truly work a day in your life and make a positive difference in the lives of all you touch.
Financial charts

10 Touch Points That Make Or Break Sales

Customer-Centricity creates positive Customer Experiences. In other words, for customers to perceive a business as being customer-focused it needs to be structured and managed like Jeff Bezos says, i.e. with the customer in mind.