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Motivation & Mindset

A mindset is a set of assumptions, methods, or notations arising out of a person’s world view or philosophy of life. Motivation is the driving force that inspires buyers and sellers to take action. Motivation and mindset are crucial contributors to sales success.


Why Sales Is Like Dating

It’s better to be prepared and not have an opportunity then have an opportunity and not be prepared.
Clown Amusement

When Being In Sales Becomes A Joke

A career in sales is tough and you can’t afford to take yourself too seriously. Here is what salespeople can expect in their sales career.
Basic Science

The Science of Basic Selling Skills

The basics, whilst important, are certainly no longer enough for the salesperson of the future to hang their hat on. The Connection Economy or the Imagination Era are fundamental.

How Does Ego Cost You Business, Relationships And Results?

Your Ego impacts business, relationships and results. Do you have the desire, or commitment, to shift the way you think about yourself?

8 Things You Should Make Instead of Excuses

There is something very human about making excuses for our failures. Our egos try to protect themselves by placing the blame somewhere else, somewhere far away from us.

How This Crisis Will Change You

We are in the middle chapters of our continuing crisis. Pundits and prognosticators are suggesting that our lives will never be the same, that we will be changed, altered by the events of our time, as were our parents, grandparents, and our ancestors. If this is true, then we should decide for ourselves what those changes might be.
Happiness 2

Authentic Happiness in Sales

Mental health and wellness are critical issues for Australian society. Being extremely successful in sales can look wonderful from afar, but the reality can be very different.

Seven Self-Destructive Mindsets In Sales

There are seven self-destructive mindsets that new salespeople fall into, and these “traps” are often the reasons why they struggle to find success.
Super Hero

How To Become A Sales Super Hero

You are a rare and highly valuable commodity, exceedingly important to the success of any business. But be careful! The way the sales industry works is subject to change. Today’s sales hero could easily become tomorrow's sales zero.

What single attribute determines sales success?

There is one attribute that a highly successful sales person possesses that differentiates them from all of their competition and allows them to exponentially achieve higher results, and more sustainable results.