Home Process & Method

Process & Method

The sales process are the steps you take to make a sale from start to completion. A sales methodology is how you sell and reflects who you are as a business in order to drive sales. Examples of sales methodologies include SPIN, Solution, Conceptual and Inbound.


6 Steps For Business Development Success

Business Development is a skill that all salespeople need to have. It should be natural and organic to grow the business, find new clients, expand the offering to current clients.
Customer Engagement

10 Costly Mistakes In Sales Engagement

No business should rest on its laurels, there is always room for improvement. Real leaders are not afraid to admit they don't know something and that they can always learn something new.

How Customer-Centric Is Your Value Proposition?

Sales and marketing people have been bandying around terms like Value Propositions, Unique Selling Proposition, Unique Value Propositions for decades. But, unfortunately, they still mean different things to different people. And they have been misused for too long.
Marketing and business concepts

Six Sales Prospecting Methods, Including Cold Calling.

67 per cent of salespeople do not achieve their sales targets. Thanks to the internet, buyers now have more information available to them than ever before. This easy access to knowledge is putting sales reps into a weak position, as it empowers buyers to take charge of the sales process.

Discounting Erodes Trust

Some salespeople when they feel they are not going to get the sale can get into the habit of offering discounts. When you are sold on the value, you won’t be discounting.
Cold fire

Why Do The Hottest Deals Go Cold?

Closing the sale is a make-or-break moment for every salesperson. It’s the culmination of weeks or months of blood, sweat and tears and determines whether all that effort was really worthwhile or not.

Questions To Qualify A Prospect

A sales master will know that questions, when they are meaningful, relevant, open, intelligent, astute, are the foundation to knowing your customer.

Sales Navigator Techniques To Know

What tactics for leveraging LinkedIn Sales Navigator do you need to know? Blended prospecting techniques are nothing new but codification of these combinations in the context of the Sales Navigator platform is required.
Piggy Bank

“I don’t have budget” – what to do next

You’re with a prospect and they have a need—yet they are saying your solution is too expensive. You’re concerned they will look elsewhere.
Over flow

When You Have Too Many Deals In Your Sales Pipeline

Only managing the volume of a salesperson's pipeline is not always the best approach. If we have too strong a focus on driving these volume numbers, we risk sellers, either consciously or unconsciously, loading the number of deals to meet those metrics whether they be real deals or not, or whether they have the time to develop those deals or not.