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Tag: Lead generation

Lead generation is a long term strategy that centres around prospective customer cultivation and nurturing through two-way dialogue.

10 Touch Points That Make Or Break Sales

Customer-Centricity creates positive Customer Experiences. In other words, for customers to perceive a business as being customer-focused it needs to be structured and managed like Jeff Bezos says, i.e. with the customer in mind.

Six Sales Prospecting Methods, Including Cold Calling.

67 per cent of salespeople do not achieve their sales targets. Thanks to the internet, buyers now have more information available to them than ever before. This easy access to knowledge is putting sales reps into a weak position, as it empowers buyers to take charge of the sales process.

I Have 10 Seconds To Make An Impression?

Possessing an effective and professional business introduction that spells out clearly and succinctly the benefits that we bring to our buyers is now more essential than ever. If those benefits are also quantified then that's even better. So, why do many businesses and their salespeople turn off their prospects, right from the first contact?

Sales Navigator Techniques To Know

What tactics for leveraging LinkedIn Sales Navigator do you need to know? Blended prospecting techniques are nothing new but codification of these combinations in the context of the Sales Navigator platform is required.

21 Sales Myths Busted

Don't get siloed with who you know, network trade shows, online groups and always be connected around shared interests. Trust me - go do the research.

Why You Need Create Opportunities and Not Just Find Them

Finding new opportunities and creating them are two different outcomes. Creating new opportunities requires a different approach. If you aspire to be a trusted advisor, you need to demonstrate why and how.

Get Better At Selling, Or You Will Get Worse

Selling is going to continue to evolve—maybe more than other areas of business. If you are not actively working on getting better, you are getting worse. Don’t let the limits of your perception be the limits of your results.

Six Traits Of Great Sales Reps

Six traits of great sales reps from the best in the business. Learn more in Salesforce's new ebook '50 Pro Sales Tips for 2020' to help sales teams master the art of sales.

Introducing the 50 Pro Sales Tips for 2020 eBook

Salesforce launches a new ebook to help sales teams master the art of sales in 2020. Ian McAdam, Senior Vice President ANZ, Salesforce, shares his favourite insights from the ebook.

9 Enormous Mistakes Salespeople Make and Their Causes

Selling isn’t easy under the very best of circumstances. There are things you can do to make it much more challenging without intending to. Here are nine mistakes salespeople make and their root causes.