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Shining a Light on the Dark Funnel: How It Can Empower...

The "dark funnel" is where a significant portion of the buyer's journey occurs beyond the reach of traditional sales and marketing visibility. How can you identify and influence those hidden touchpoints?

The Evolution Of The Buyer’s Journey (Part 1)

As Sales and Marketing adapt to new market realities and opportunities, they are often presented with a choice regarding their operational structure: either they continue to operate in discrete silos or they adapt to cooperate in ways that will not only make them more alert to their changing markets and customers.

The Evolution Of The Buyer’s Journey (Part 2)

The days of the charismatic but tactical salesperson are getting behind us, particularly in B2B sales. A winning personality still goes a long way, but today’s buyers aren’t looking for slick pitchmen.

4 Sales Strategies That Expedite Growth And Recovery

When formulating a strategy, navigating blindly and relying on guesswork leads to inaccurate and unexpected results. Here are the top sales strategies from survey research conducted on 6,000 sales professionals.

Buyer Behaviour Trends And The Impact Of COVID

The retail industry is going through a wave of transformation and will never be the same. Unprecedented external factors have contributed for a data-driven, digital first, unified future.