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Buyer Behaviour

Buyer behaviour is the study of the activities associated with the purchase of goods and services, including the buyer’s emotional, mental and behavioural responses.

Night Fear

Sales Psychology – 10 Triggers To Become Highly Influential (Part 3)

Invoke Fear, Radiate Authority, Honesty and Consistency. You need to understand why your prospects behave the way they do, what they’re thinking, and how you can get them to act in the desired direction via the use of psychology sales triggers.
Trigger 2

Sales Psychology – 10 Triggers To Become Highly Influential (Part 1)

Reciprocity, Curiosity And Specificity. You need to understand why your prospects behave the way they do, what they’re thinking, and how you can get them to act in the desired direction via the use of psychology sales triggers.

5 Strategies To Handle Intimidating Prospects

Batman or High D’s are not intentionally unkind or rude. Their bark is often worse than his bite. If you respect them and meet their expectations, they will probably do business with you and become a life long client.

A Practical Guide On Building Rapport In Sales

Rapport is the deepest level of relationship between two individuals that involves sharing common ground, and is established when harmony and accord have been reached between both parties.