About us

Welcome to Head Of Sales, Australia’s leading destination for news, opinion and advice for the B2B sales profession.

Content has been written by experienced sales practitioners and industry experts from Australia and abroad. Contributors include best selling authors, international speakers and the Top 50 B2B Sales Experts on LinkedIn including Jill Konrath (#1), Tony Hughes (#3) and Anthony Iannarino (#17).

Content is updated weekly to the website with a monthly email newsletter to highlight the must-read articles.

Target audience

Content has been curated for front line sellers, team leaders, sales manager and sales directors. It is also relevant for sales enablement and business owners. Anyone who has a product offering, a revenue target or a sales team to manage will benefit from the content.

Benefits for readers

  1. Understand the latest trends, technologies and behaviours
  2. Implement new sales methodologies, techniques and processes
  3. Increase customer acquisition, retention and growth
  4. Develop, lead or enrol in a high performing sales team
  5. Expedite your career progression and income growth

Content focus

MenuSub category
Process & MethodBusiness Development
Prospecting & leads
Presenting & objections
Negotiation & closing
Account management
Enablement & OperationsSales Management
Coaching & Training
Talent development
Business culture
Data analysis
Cognitive PsychologyBuyer Behaviour
Motivation & mindset
Emotional Intelligence
Innovation & TechnologyTechnology & Automation
Voice, data and video
Social Selling
ResourcesCase studies
White papers

Content format

• News articles or short form editorial in 300-500 words

• Opinion articles or long form editorial in 500-1,000 words

 White papers – authoritative report or guide helping customers to understand issues with the framework to define and find solutions.

• Case studies – how an organisation (or individual) has identified and implemented a solution to solve an issue or challenge

• How To “Guides” – step by step guide offering solutions to real life business challenges or processes

• Expert Q&As – question and answer interview with an industry expert locally or abroad

• Rich media – video, webinars and podcasts

• Infographics – allow complex issues to be communicated in an attractive and easily digestible format by highlighting key points