No matter who they speak with in your business – in their eyes they are all ‘the company’.

In a pre-digital world, there were salespeople and everyone else. Now a prospect can understand a business across a myriad of social media channels before they speak to anyone in your business. They read comments posted online, they judge the quality of your content, the reviews of your products and how the company responds. This is all before they speak to a ‘salesperson’.

No matter who they speak with in your business – the receptionist, customer service, someone in the delivery dock, an engineer – in their eyes they are all ‘the company’.

The client doesn’t care about the job titles of the people they come into contact with. What they will notice is whether everybody in the organisation is in synch with the ‘brand’ or not. Being consistent across every touchpoint builds trust.

So everyone in your organisation has a shared accountability for how the business is represented and how attractive the company is for people to want to buy from them.

When it is understood that every person in your business is in sales, it becomes obvious how customer experience and customer service is the new sales.

To be in synch means everyone in the business understands:

  • Exactly what the business does,
  • How it delivers value to its customers,
  • The commitment the business has made to service its customers,
  • How imperative it is to HELP a customer or prospect,
  • What it means to BE the brand.

When everyone is ‘singing from the same hymn sheet’ it supports:

  • Customer satisfaction and retention,
  • Staff alignment,
  • Stronger teamwork and
  • Business growth!

Imagine if every person in your business had the same training as a salesperson. How valuable would it be if everyone understood the power of?

  • Active listening
  • Insightful, open ended questions
  • Adaptability
  • Accountability
  • Negotiation
  • Presentation
  • Language
  • Confidence
  • Helping

Next time anyone says ‘but I’m not in sales’ – ask them what they think a salesperson actually does. Because salespeople don’t just sell, they build relationships, they build trust, they listen and solve problems. They help people. Isn’t that the philosophy that everyone should be adopting so customers want to buy from you and stay with you?

Sales training for the entire business. Now that is evolutionary!

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Charmaine Keegan
Charmaine Keegan - Director, Keynote Speaker and Founder of Smarter Selling - is a world leading authority in Sales. Her career spans 30 years of sales leadership. She has trained over 8,000 sales professionals empowering them with the confidence to embrace selling with integrity and authenticity to deliver immediate revenue growth. She believes sales is comprised of five fundamental elements – intent to help, clear strategy, exceptional communication and customer service skills, personal accountability and a commercial mindset. She is passionate about selling and even more so, empowering others to sell. Smarter Selling training programs set sales leaders and their teams up for lasting success with simple to execute, contemporary and proven sales methodologies. She helps leaders drive a high performing team. They are developed and trademarked by Charmaine. They evolve as communication evolves.   Her programs (online and face to face) are renowned for being engaging, fun, interactive and highly practical. She makes it easy for you to sell and your customer to buy. She is an author of over 20 eBooks, is a sought-after guest speaker, panellist, and keynote. She is a Certified Trainer of NLP (how we operate), Hypnotherapy (unconscious communication) and Timeline Therapy (recognising your beliefs about sales and money – and recognising that of your customer). She has studied the psychology of human behaviour and is considered an absolute authority and true expert on sales techniques. She has ‘walked the walk‘ so the workshops are highly practical and focused on results. Training created by a sales expert for salespeople.